Sermon Series

The Narrow Road

Aug 7, 2024 - Sep 25, 2024

students purpose culture

The broad road is the way of the world and it will end in destruction.The narrow road is the way of Christ and it is the way to a full life.

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Sermon Series


students culture

In a culture where students mainly focus on what they can see, most are unaware of the reality that there’s an entire part of life that’s...

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Sermon Series

Secrets of the Kingdom

jesus culture kingdom

The parables of Jesus reveal the secrets of the kingdom of God for those who have ears to hear them. The parable of the Good Samaritan ch...

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Sermon Series

One Another

jesus culture kingdom

Jesus made it clear that the way we relate to God is directly tied to the way we relate to one another. There are 59 verses describing ho...

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Sermon Series

Heroes of the Faith

jesus culture

Every hero in the Bible is helping tell one long story of the ultimate hero - Jesus Christ. Throughout these 10 weeks, we will walk throu...

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Living in Two Kingdoms

From Citizens


The Bible tells us we are citizens of heaven. And yet, we often feel like exiles in a world that is not our eternal home. How should we l...

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Sermon Series


culture kingdom

The Bible tells us we are citizens of heaven. And yet, we often feel like exiles in a world that is not our eternal home. How should we l...

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Sermon Series

Image of God

identity culture

Culture today is bombarding us with who we are and who we’re supposed to be. Whether it’s with sexual identity, a social media reputation...

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Pursuing Uncommon Unity

From A Conversation About Race

June 7, 2020

racism reconciliation culture justice unity current-events

Watch a live panel discussion hosted by Pastor Dan Lian and members of our no ordinary family as they talk about what it’s like to be par...

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How to help kids understand why modesty matters

parenting humility culture

I recently attended a concert where a young woman was sitting on the stage in a very short skirt. When I mentioned to my teenage daughter...

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The best way to honor Dr. King and the King is to pursue unity

church racism culture unity

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "We must face the sad fact that at eleven o’clock on Sunday morning … we stand in the...

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