
How to simplify your busy life

stress busyness discipleship

Our lives are full of so much activity every day. We live in an age where social media, instant communication, and fast service are the n...

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Newlyweds, are you falling for these marriage myths?

marriage serving sex

When my husband and I were still engaged and newlywed, we loved hearing advice from couples who had been married for a while. Most everyt...

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Three promises for parents

discipline children parenting

By the third child, I thought potty training would come as naturally as riding a bicycle. But my Wyatt was determined to prove me wrong. ...

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Is it time for an attitude check?

frustration bitterness resentment humility following jesus

Ever been told to “check your attitude” or that it was time for an attitude check? In youth group, attitude checks were a re...

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Where we turn when life doesn’t go as planned

community doubt

Life rarely happens as we plan it. The girl you hoped to marry started dating someone else, your best friend went to a different college...

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Do I have to go back if I’ve been hurt by the church?

healing church forgiveness

It’s hard to look at church the same when you’re torn down and discouraged by the very place you’re supposed to turn to...

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Your sex life is a symptom not the problem

marriage honesty sex

My husband and I married 20 years ago. We were excited for what marriage would be. I recall wise advice from family and friends as w...

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What happens when your faith interferes with family?

family faith conflict

Like a lot of people in South Carolina, I grew up in a safe, cushiony small town church. Every Sunday, we sang the doxology as the offeri...

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How to change your mind

community bible decision making

Every now and then, I go through seasons where I look at other Christians and wonder why I don’t have what they have. They seem so ...

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What you do is not who you are

identity serving purpose work

The toughest title I have ever had was as a stay-at-home mom. I am not great with kids, but I knew it was what I was called to do in that...

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Are you doing the right thing for the wrong reasons?

serving purpose decision making

My husband and I just celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. When we dated, we often did things because that’s what we were suppo...

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How to calm the storms in your life

identity prayer suffering conflict

There are several accounts of Jesus and His disciples getting stuck on a boat in the middle of a storm. Waves were crashing over the boat...

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