
Are you parenting with eternity in mind?

eternity success children parenting

Someone once asked me what I wanted most for my children. My automatic response was, “Success!”  It seemed accurate. I ...

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Six common myths about hell

hell salvation satan

From illustrations in "The Far Side" comics and TV’s "South Park," to centuries-old books like "Paradise Lost" and Dante’s "I...

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Can I believe in heaven without believing in hell?

heaven eternity hell

Is hell real? Or, is it just a scary story made up to get us to live right? Agnostic philosopher Bertrand Russell argued that Jesus&rsqu...

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What "storing up treasures in heaven" really means

heaven eternity money generosity greed

“You’ll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse.” Preachers have used this old saying for years to explain a simple fact: Y...

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Why you’ll never be satisfied with what this life has to offer

heaven eternity hell

No one is easily satisfied. Moments, people, and activities can bring us joy, but no one is wholly and eternally satisfied by these thing...

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Nine times Jesus talks about eternity

heaven eternity hell salvation

People are obsessed with the future. In books and movies, the future is depicted in interesting ways.   “The Matrix,&rdq...

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Six questions everyone wants answered about heaven

heaven death eternity salvation

We’re all familiar with scenes of puffy clouds, pearly gates, and St. Peter checking the guest list, but do these clichés ha...

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Three lies we believe about eternity

heaven death eternity hell

Science can’t locate it. Books try to explain it. Movies try to show it. Everybody wants to know about the afterlife — Is gra...

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How to love someone who’s depressed

depression relationships

Christians are not immune to depression, and given its prevalence, most of us probably know someone who’s depressed. Loving someon...

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It’s not a sin to love the world

evangelism love grace

Christians are meant to live for the world. Too bad, so many people know the church by what we’re against. If Christians are heard...

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How to know if you’re living life to the full

work stress calling

I walked away from job security, a retirement plan, and excellent health insurance. Many people would say I ruined my life. What was I th...

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Five steps to take your marriage from good to great

marriage love

Does your marriage feel like an exciting excursion, or more like serving a life-sentence? Marriage was created to be amazing.   Aft...

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