
Everything You Need To Know About Jonah

forgiveness bible repentance jonah bible need to know

Context makes a difference in conversation, but also when we read the Bible. Bible Need To Know is a recurring feature that digs into th...

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Everything You Need To Know About Matthew

bible bible need to know

Context makes a difference in conversation, but also when we read the Bible. That's why we created Bible Need To Know, a re...

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Everything You Need To Know About Colossians

bible bible need to know

Context makes a difference in conversation, but also when we read the Bible. That's why we created Bible Need To Know, a re...

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Following Jesus in a World That Doesn’t

obedience serving bible culture

The world gives us so many ways to conform through advertising, TV shows and movies. We’re told that if we wear the right clothes, ...

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How to stay faithful in college

bible faith following jesus college

Whether it’s your freshman year, or you are a fifth-year senior, staying faithful to God and growing in your faith should be at the...

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Six lies from the enemy

satan truth bible spiritual warfare

Satan is really good at lying. It’s not just in his character, it IS his character.  He has nothing to do with the trut...

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The Importance of God’s Word

bible spiritual warfare

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overc...

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A good start can still lead to a crappy finish

evangelism bible legalism

We all know parents who, with good intentions, use cloth diapers in order to save money or save the environment. They approach diapers wi...

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5 Ways to Know God Loves You

love relationships bible

1. He created you. Psalm 139 says He knew you before you were born. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. You were plan...

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28 Days That Changed My Life

bible prayer

Twenty eight years ago I was challenged to try a 28-day experiment. The experiment sounded easy enough — wake early, read from the ...

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Seek First: 28-Day Bible Reading Plan

salvation bible faith reading plans

It’s simple; we want you to commit to reading the Bible everyday—and see what happens. What can God teach you? How can He cha...

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Two-A-Days Bible Reading Plan for Students

students bible

It’s simple; we want you to commit to reading the Bible everyday—and see what happens. What can God teach you? How can He change you? Vie...

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