
God Welcomes Immigrants And So Should We

heaven love friendship

I was reared in the UK as a son of Greek immigrants in the lily-white suburbs of North London. It was a tough way to grow up. I was, and...

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How To Mend A Messy Marriage

marriage love relationships divorce

As the tears rolled down my face, I thought, “How did we get here? How could we let this happen to us?” My husband and I had...

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9 Ways to Increase Awesome Romance

marriage love relationships sex

Someone asked me recently how often married people should have sex. Quite honestly, the question made me squirm like a 2-year-old on espr...

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Frustrated With Sharing Your Faith?

evangelism jesus love truth

My former roommate gave me the cold shoulder for weeks, then unfriended me on Facebook. My grandpa told me, “That’s fine fai...

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4 Signs You Might Be Settling (But Shouldn’t)

singleness dating love relationships

We’re all born with an ache in our heart for something greater. It's easy to look to anything else to fill that void, especiall...

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Breaking Through The Break-Up

love relationships grief

Have you ever lost someone you thought you loved? I dated a guy pretty seriously my sophomore year of college. We dated for awhile. We w...

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How Giving Up Saved My Marriage

marriage love frustration

Paula Richey’s marriage was failing under the pressure of resentment and entitlement, until an encounter with Jesus turned her in the dir...

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Loving Jesus Doesn’t Mean Hating Culture

love relationships culture

Too often, Christians are known for listening to sappy music, speaking their own language and avoiding any piece of pop culture that...

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Missing the love of my father

healing fatherhood love relationships self worth

Charlene Patterson searched for satisfaction in relationships because she could not satisfy her need for a father's love. Watch her s...

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Christmas, Love and Wrath

jesus love christmas condemnation

Have you ever struggled in your study of Old Testament scriptures, conflicted between the need for justice for the oppressed, but wonderi...

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Gauntlet 2013 - Session 6

Aug 1, 2013

students love joy gauntlet

In life, what is it that pushes you forward? What is it that pulls you to the finish? In Jesus, we get the great opportunity to run the r...

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He Stood Beside Me

forgiveness love faith promises anger

After watching her mother's life be wrecked by grief, Haley Sanders saw the love of Jesus break through her anger just in time for he...

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