
Do you know the four things women really want?

marriage relationships sex wives

Marriage is God’s creation. It’s a gift and a picture of His love for His followers. God desires our marriages be intimate (G...

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4 blush-worthy things the Bible says about sex

marriage relationships sex shame

Nothing reduces a collegiate art classroom into nervous giggles quite like the sculpture of David by Michelangelo. As an art teacher for ...

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How to prevent a boring marriage

marriage serving missions

Have you ever felt bored in your marriage? It’s not that your spouse is boring or anything. You just feel stuck in the monotony of ...

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6 warning signs that money will tear your marriage apart

marriage money

“Never misspell the word ‘separate,’ again! Look closely, you’ll find a rat right in the middle of the word!!&rdq...

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10 date night ideas that cost $50 or less

marriage dating husbands wives

Tired of doing the same old thing? Dates don't have to be predictable or pricey. When you've got a little extra cash on hand, gi...

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10 date night ideas that cost $30 or less

marriage dating husbands wives

Think there's nothing left to do that you haven't already done? Challenge accepted.  Get a sitter or call the grandparents ...

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10 date night ideas that cost $10 or less

marriage dating husbands wives

No budget for date night? No problem.  With a little creativity, you can get off the couch and started on your next big adventure. ...

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8 practical ways loving parents put their marriage first

marriage dating children parenting

Parenting is hard work. It’s the job we never take a vacation from and the role we rarely get respect for. But as we love our kids ...

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3 secrets to changing your spouse

marriage relationships husbands wives

Have you ever strategically planted a Bible in your husband’s car or on his nightstand? Given your agnostic wife a script...

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The only way to have the best sex

marriage relationships sex

To a lot of people, the idea that marriage is between one man and one woman and that sex is only appropriate for married couples see...

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Why your marriage needs a mentor now

community marriage love relationships

“You don’t have to put up with that.” “You should just get out of that marriage.” Those are all words I h...

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The best free way to change your marriage today

marriage relationships prayer progress

We go on dates and pay for marriage counseling. We study love languages and practice not going to bed angry. We spend a lot of time and ...

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