
What To Do When There’s Never Enough Time

time management parenting work

Time is precious but incredibly fleeting. Most days I beg for more of it, as my to-do-list seems to be a separate beast that is taunting...

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To The Mother of a Child with Disabilities

grace parenting mothers

At moments, the world seems to stop, and you realize your life will be forever changed.  Twenty weeks pregnant with my first child, ...

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Bullet Point Parenting: Disciplining With Grace

discipline grace parenting

Your 4-year-old breaks your favorite Christmas ornament after you’ve repeatedly told her to leave the tree alone. You’re sad ...

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This Couple Lost A Baby, But They Never Lost Their Hope

hope jesus parenting

Elizabeth Salmon risked life-threatening pregnancy complications, clinging to the hope that God would fulfill his promise.

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Life After Losing A Child

fatherhood faith parenting grief mothers

Miscarriage. Anencephaly. Trisomy 18. Preeclampsia. Stillbirth. These are words no one really wants to touch. They carry shame. They carr...

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Thanks, Mom, for our crazy family

women parenting mothers

“Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland t...

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Bullet Point Parenting: Are My Kids Watching Too Much TV?

discipline parenting culture

“But, Mom, it’s rated PG-13.”“Jimmy’s dad let him see Transformers, why can’t I?”Whether the pr...

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Talking To Kids About Baptism

salvation baptism children parenting

“Mom, what are they doing with those pools of water?”Being the primary spiritual influence in our children’s lives is a...

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Shaping A Child’s Heart

family church relationships parenting

Taking our kids to KidSpring and Fuse is just one part of encouraging their faith in Jesus. While the church is called to invest in the n...

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Talking To Kids About Death

death children parenting

And the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.  (Ecclesiastes 12:7) Death is a pai...

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A letter to single moms everywhere

children leadership parenting mothers

Dear single mom, As you face the day-to-day struggles of being a single parent, life can feel like an uphill battle and it can be hard t...

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Stephanie wanted a baby, but Jesus wanted so much more

trust doubt parenting infertility

Stephanie Robins struggled with doubt and fear that she would never conceive a child. This is her story in her own words ...

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