
The prayer for a miracle to save our baby son

healing miracles prayer health parenting

Cassie and Rick Littlejohn's son clung to life in the NICU. Press play to hear how God's hope arrived for thousands to see.

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Dysfunction is not your destiny

family marriage parenting stress

I feel like my relationships are doomed. How can I conquer the generational cycle of family dysfunction and divorce? Or should I just a...

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“Thank you for giving me up for adoption": A conversation with Clayton King

family children parenting abortion adoption

For National Adoption Awareness Month, Clayton King sat down for a wide-ranging conversation on Facebook Live about his identity as an ad...

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How to know when to speak as the parent and when to love like a friend

family children parenting kids following jesus

As my daughter ages, it’s genuinely exciting to watch her mature and start looking more like an adult than a child. I have to hold ...

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Babybook: Encouragement for new moms

children parenting mothers

Like most new moms, you have probably been bombarded with advice and information. Here is the truth: Whether you breastfeed or bottle fee...

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The best question to ask before disciplining your kids

family children parenting kids following jesus

As parents, the challenge we face when it comes to disciplining our children isn’t a lack of information. No generation of parents ...

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How to beat the odds in parenting

children grace parenting

A recap of Brad Cooper’s sermon, “How To Beat The Odds In Parenting,” in 140 characters or less. God is for our ki...

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What happens when my kids discover porn?

children parenting sex pornography

“Pornography.” The word sends a wave of anxiousness through my body. As a mom of two children, I would love to avoid the subject, but avo...

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Three things you can teach your kids through election season

prayer parenting culture politics

“Mommy, who are YOU voting for?”   “My friend said we are in big trouble if the girl wins!” “The boy r...

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What do I say to my kids when tragedy happens?

death hope students children parenting fear

When the news of a school shooting breaks, a thousand questions run through our minds.  Where are my kids? Are they OK? How did th...

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Why your child’s behavior doesn’t define you

community children grace parenting mothers

The day I abandoned a full cart of groceries and carried a screaming, flailing, tutu-clad 3-year-old out of the store is one for the memo...

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What happens when moms choose trust over control

trust parenting self control mothers

Mothers tend to have control issues. From the prenatal list of do’s and don’ts to the panic attacks when our baby starts...

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