
3 Lies We Believe About Sex

marriage relationships sex

We are bombarded with conflicting lies about sex. Don’t have sex; it’s bad! Have sex with whoever you want, whenever you wa...

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There’s More To Godliness Than Finding A Mate

singleness dating relationships

At some point every single person has been told by a well-meaning friend: “Focus on growing closer to God now, so you’ll be ready for you...

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The Newlyweds Who Weren’t Ready For A Crisis

marriage jesus relationships adultery

Chip and Elizabeth Bordeaux struggled as newlyweds because they'd planned for a wedding but never prepared for the marriage.

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What I Learned When My Marriage Hit Rock Bottom

hope marriage jesus relationships

Sobbing on the bathroom floor that night I was certain: My marriage was over, God was looking down on me, and He didn’t care. Lies...

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Why Singles Should Stop Waiting

singleness dating relationships waiting

Being single is either exciting or pitiful. Who doesn’t love buying discount chocolate and watching The Notebook alone on thei...

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How To Share Your Faith Without Starting A Fight

evangelism salvation relationships

My former roommate gave me the cold shoulder for weeks, then unfriended me on Facebook.  My grandpa told me, “That’s fi...

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3 Essentials When Talking With Gay Friends and Family

family evangelism homosexuality relationships

Whenever my family gets together, we always seem to talk about relationships: who’s dating who, which friend got engaged, or who&rs...

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Everything You Need To Know About Ephesians

church relationships ephesians bible need to know

Context makes a difference in conversation, but also when we read the Bible. That's why we created Bible Need To Know, a re...

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How To Help A Grieving Friend

death healing relationships compassion

It’s hard to know exactly what to do when a friend is grieving deeply. I’ve tried sending flowers, even an occasional chicken...

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4 Signs You Might Be Settling (But Shouldn’t)

singleness dating love relationships

We’re all born with an ache in our heart for something greater. It's easy to look to anything else to fill that void, especiall...

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Don’t Settle

singleness dating relationships

Are you stuck?Single but want a date?Married but you know the relationship isn’t what it could be?Having family problems but there&...

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Anger Doesn’t Have To Control You

freedom relationships anger

Anger boiled within me for decades.If my circumstances or relationships squeezed me in just the right way, out it would come, like molten...

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