
Fixing your marriage starts with you

marriage mistakes responsibility reconciliation

You know the feeling. You’ve spent several hours in the same room but neither of you has spoken a word. It’s the dreaded sil...

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A New View Of Singleness

marriage singleness relationships prayer

I had no idea that breaking up with my college boyfriend would usher in a season of singleness filled with so many turns, twists and bump...

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How Giving Up Saved My Marriage

marriage love frustration

Paula Richey’s marriage was failing under the pressure of resentment and entitlement, until an encounter with Jesus turned her in the dir...

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Let’s Talk about Sex

obedience marriage relationships sex

Our sex-saturated culture says, “More sex now with whomever.” The Christian message is quite different – sex is to be e...

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The Best Way to Get Your Husband’s Attention

marriage prayer husbands wives

Check out this video clip of Pastor Perry Noble talking about God working in a marriage. Women, if you want God to get your husband'...

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The enemy’s plan for your marriage

marriage satan truth divorce

The enemy has big plans for your marriage. His playbook is overflowing with ideas to take your marriage to another level. Satan's Ad...

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For Better or Worse- Angel Saverance’s Story

marriage salvation victory

David and Angel Saverance fought constantly until Jesus became the center of their marriage. This is their story in Angel’s words...

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What to do when a spouse’s anger turns violent

healing marriage abuse

He had promised to love and cherish her forever. One night though, my dad's verbal assaults turned physical and he hurt the woman he ...

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What God Joined Together

family marriage addiction fatherhood

Stephen Jones was stuck in the bar scene as a way to deal with the struggles in his marriage until Jesus stepped in. This is his story in...

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Stripping Away the Lies -- Tibrea Dresko’s Story

family obedience marriage rescue

Trying to escape from her unhappy home life, Tibrea turned to stripping for her survival until God came to her rescue. This is her story ...

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From Sin To Surrender

obedience marriage relationships blessing

Nick and Jessica Conner were living together, far from God. Then Jesus used them to reach Myrtle Beach. This is Nick and Jessica's st...

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This couple’s beautiful life rose out of the ashes

healing marriage success salvation addiction health suffering

Bill and Sabra Nickas' marriage survived drug abuse, a business bust, and cancer, and God gave them the strength to endure.

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