
What To Do When Everyone Is Pregnant But You

marriage sex infertility

Nine years ago, I sat in pre-marital counseling and explained to one of our pastors that I was not called to have kids. It wasn’t t...

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Embracing Sex As Pleasure When All You’ve Known Is Pain

marriage abuse relationships sex

Does the thought of sex bring up mixed emotions for you? Well if it does, we share a common fear. I was also abused as a little girl, and...

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What Would Jesus Say to the Gay Community?

marriage homosexuality sex

There is a lot of noise on the news and in public forums about gay marriage and traditional values. Everyone has an opinion on what&rsquo...

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9 Ways to Increase Awesome Romance

marriage love relationships sex

Someone asked me recently how often married people should have sex. Quite honestly, the question made me squirm like a 2-year-old on espr...

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Everything You Need To Know About Song of Solomon

marriage bible sex song of songs bible need to know

Context makes a difference in conversation, but also when we read the Bible. That's why we created Bible Need To Know, a re...

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Want Better Sex? Try This

marriage sex communication

There’s something important every married couple needs to talk about. That’s right, sex. Some of you may have just blushed, ...

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3 Lies We Believe About Sex

marriage relationships sex

We are bombarded with conflicting lies about sex. Don’t have sex; it’s bad! Have sex with whoever you want, whenever you wa...

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The Newlyweds Who Weren’t Ready For A Crisis

marriage jesus relationships adultery

Chip and Elizabeth Bordeaux struggled as newlyweds because they'd planned for a wedding but never prepared for the marriage.

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What every married couple needs to know

marriage husbands wives

Marriage includes a bit of everything: the greatest joys, the most aggravating frustrations, and everything in between. We can’t always c...

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What I Learned When My Marriage Hit Rock Bottom

hope marriage jesus relationships

Sobbing on the bathroom floor that night I was certain: My marriage was over, God was looking down on me, and He didn’t care. Lies...

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A Drug Runner Stopped On The Road To Ruin

community marriage salvation addiction

Adam Whittle's drug lifestyle brought his marriage to the brink of divorce. Facing prison, he found freedom in a second chance.

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Sex Is Great For The Church

marriage church happiness sex

God is pro-sex.The Church should be, too.3 Ways Sex Is Great For The Church1. Sex is a celebration of commitment.Marriage is unique becau...

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