
Top resources on marriage


When hearing the word marriage, most envision wedding bells, a white dress, and a couple who is madly in love. Before the big day, marria...

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What Should I Do If I’m Thinking About Divorce?

marriage forgiveness divorce

Nothing seems fun anymore. You seldom have a day without crying, and you’ve forgotten how to smile. Discussions no longer end in resoluti...

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Fight for your marriage — even if everyone tells you not to


Do you want your marriage to work, but you don’t know how? You know staying together is the right thing to do, but everything about...

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Is That Really Cheating?

marriage temptation relationships pornography adultery

My friend felt betrayed, alone, and rejected by the one who had vowed to love her unconditionally. As I listened to the story of her marr...

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We Chose Separate Bedrooms To Avoid Our Problems

marriage church faith leadership divorce reconciliation

After 8 years of marriage, Jack and Jane Muir were living separate lives. It wasn’t until they attended NewSpring Church that they ...

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Where Is God When Your Spouse Leaves?

marriage divorce

I’ve only cried in the closet a handful of times, but they’re among the darkest moments of my life. It was after the terrify...

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How Men Can Mistreat Women Without Realizing It

marriage men women relationships communication purity

Hey men, we all think we’re good drivers, right? Maybe it’s a guy thing. Maybe it comes from overexposure to NASCAR. Whatever...

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What Women Really Want for Valentine’s Day


Skip the chocolates and flowers. OK, you should probably still get those. But the flowers might last for a week and the chocolates won’t ...

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When I Tasted Hope, I Stopped Swallowing Pills

marriage salvation drugs

Mary Boyd spent much of her life using prescription drugs to escape the pain in her heart, nearly wrecking her family.

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How One Day Changed Six in My Family Forever

family marriage salvation

Muriel Calhoun thought she had pushed away God for good until financial and parenting struggles began to tear at the seams of her ma...

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How To Keep Your Marriage From Falling Apart When Life Sucks

marriage forgiveness

My world was coming apart at the seams. We went from “Ken and Barbie” status to marriage counseling. I tried focusing on how good it was...

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3 Things No One Told You About Sex

marriage truth sex culture

Most of us learned everything we know about sex from movies and TV. Guy looks at girl. Girl looks at guy. There’s a spark of passio...

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